Thursday, February 21, 2008


Current mood: giddy

I am so happy that words cannot express right now. It has been almost a month since we adopted Ralphie, and I hadn't held her for about 3 weeks until last night.

My dad made me a T - Shaped step up perch to try and get Ralphie to step up on without me being in danger of getting bit. Well, last night, tried to get her on it, she locked onto it with her beak, was squawking and wouldn't let go. So, I dragged her out, all the while she is not letting go of the stick, once her feet leave her perch she pulls herself up onto the T stand that I am holding. Once she is on it and out of her cage, she started lifting her claw and reaching out for my arm, so I put the perch near my arm and she hopped right on.

I was able to hold her awhile and bond more with her, all the while she and I are both nervous, lol. Then shortly after, i walked back over to her cage and put her back on it.

This morning I decided I was going to get her out using the T stand as well, well, she wasn't gonna have it, she decided she would fly smack into me. So, she was perched on my boobs for awhile and I talked to her, rubbed her head (she protested a bit), and rubbed under her wings. Then I could tell she wanted to go back to her cage, and I put her back on the door.

Once she was back on her cage, she let me pet her under her wings again. I am so thrilled to report we have made huge leaps and bounds in the past 24 hours. :-)

Monday, February 18, 2008


Ok, I adopted/bought a blue and gold about 3 weeks ago. I went to the mans house, even held Ralph (now ralphie). Then the next day I held her at the vets office, and the next day at home. But since then I have not been able to pick her up at all. She lundges at me and tries to bit. My finger ended up in her beak a couple times but she didnt' bite down, I believe she is just warning me to leave her alone.

Do I persist? I want to hold her and love on her so bad. But I have only been able to hold her three times since getting her. I know very little about her, other than she is 5 yrs old, I am her third owner. Her first one died, second one didnt' have time for her. I am going to be her final owner. I want her to love me. I was almost in tears this morning cause she wouldn't let me hold her. :-( How do I get her to trust me?

She already eats from my hand, and drinks from my cup when I hold it up to her when she is on top of her cage. She will sometimes even dance on the cage for us. Often I will say step up, and she will lift her foot as if she wants to step on my arm, then she lundges and squawks at me. I tried putting a towel over my arm this morning to try and get her off her cage. She again kept lundging and biting at the towel. She even put a hole in it.

I have been able to feed her from the palm of my hand and my fingers. Just unable to pick her up again. Occasionally I can pet her on the head and beak, but she only allows this through the cage bars, even then she protests a bit.

I have tried to get her to step up on what her previous owner called a 'discipline stick'. She is scared to death of it, shrieks and runs. So, I have gotten rid of it...when he told me about it, I thought it didn't sound right...I don't even like his name for it.

Advice please :-(